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The name of the Davidoff cigar brand goes back to the founder Zino Davidoff, who was born into a tobacco mixer family in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. He was fascinated by tobacco products and their production from childhood He was therefore drawn to South and Central America where he expanded his knowledge.

Inspired by Zino Davidoff's pioneering spirit and his openness to new things, we at Davidoff Cigars pursue one mission: to create innovative experiences with unique blends and unforgettable cigars for modern aficionados. Following this mission, our master blenders have taken on a new challenge: creating an exciting Brazilian cigar blend. A mixture that pampers the palate with intense, spicy-sweet aromas - combined with the finesse and perfection so typical of Davidoff.

The Davidoff Yamasa Robusto inspires with an intense and complex body that slowly reveals itself through a series of wonderful aromas: nuts and spices, coffee, cedar wood and notes of black pepper. 

 Length: 12,7 cm

 Diameter 2 cm 

 Deposit Dominican Republic and Nicaragua 

 Binder and cover sheet from the Yamasa (Domain Republic).

Product number: 7623500624199

Producer: Oettinger Davidoff AG · Nauenstrasse 73 · P.O. Box · CH-4002 Basel

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